Red Light Therapy

We know that losing weight and fat is a common health goal, usually for medical and cosmetic reasons. One way that patients have been seeing results is by using red light therapy for weight loss.

Red light therapy has fantastic effects on our health, which include enhanced circulation, improved muscle recovery, reduction in swelling, and, most surprisingly, weight loss

Red light therapy has been shown to increase the natural performance of cells, and when it comes to weight loss, it affects the cells that store fat and causes the fat to dissolve. Essentially, the light therapy flushes out fat from the cells of the body.

Benefits Of Red Light Therapy

Red light therapy has been used as an effective tool for weight loss, and while this form of therapy was initially designed for treating chronic pain, strains, and inflammation, it can also help with:

  • Reducing the appearance of cellulite
  • Being more effective than exercise alone
  • Approving appearance with body contouring
  • Producing natural results
  • Shrinking the appearance of your waist
  • Tightening the hips and thighs
  • Helping everyone get more out of their workouts

How Red Light Therapy Works

We encourage you to call our Glendale office to learn more about this unique body contouring experience. You can reach us at (602) 536-7770 today! If you want to learn more about how our body contouring red light therapy treatment can help you with your weight loss goals, give Arizona Family Wellness a call at (602) 536-7770 today!

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*Disclaimer: Results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person.

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